Datuk Seri Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadir yang bersandarkan semangat pemimpin tersohor Mahathma Gandhi dan Nelson Mandela akan meneruskan usaha menegakkan kebenaran di Perak. Lapor Mstar Online.
MStar Online meneruskan berita Zambry dengan katanya,
“Menegakkan kebenaran bukanlah satu tanggungjawab yang mudah. Ia memerlukan pengorbanan dan kegigihan.
"Nelson Mandela misalnya mengorbankan kebebasannya selama 27 tahun demi membebaskan rakyat Afrika Selatan dari cengkaman “apartheid”.
"Mahatma Ghandi pula mengorbankan nyawanya untuk memastikan kemerdekaan India serta rakyatnya dapat hidup aman tanpa sempadan kasta dan agama.
“Saya mempelajari bahawa keberanian bukanlah bermakna tidak punya perasaan takut, tetapi berjaya mengatasinya. Mereka yang berani bukanlah mereka yang tidak punya perasaan takut tetapi mereka yang mampu menakluki rasa takut itu.
Sebelum kita nak angguk atau nak kutuk atau nak gelak, elok kita kenal dulu siapa Mahatma Gandhi dan Nelson Mandela yang disebut oleh pemimpin tersohor masakini Zambry ini.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi seperti yang dilaporkan oleh Wikipedia adalah ...
He was the pioneer of satyagraha—resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience, firmly founded upon ahimsa or total non-violence—which led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.
Saya percaya
non-violence yang dimaksudkan termasuklah tidak mengheret paksa secara kasar Speaker DUN keluar Dewan persidangan.
Wikipedia juga melaporkan Gandhi dibunuh oleh fanatik Hindu atas alasan Gandhi melemahkan India kerana berkeras supaya India membayar Pakistan 55 crores bersamaan 550 juta rupee sebagaimana yang dipersetujui Partition Council. Kata Wikipedia,
Gandhi feared that instability and insecurity in Pakistan would increase their anger against India, and violence would spread across the borders. He further feared that Hindus and Muslims would renew their enmity and that this would precipitate open civil war.
Ada persamaan tak antara pembayaran wang 55 crores kepada Pakistan dengan pembubaran DUN ? Selagi tak bubar DUN (tak bayar wang dalam kes Gandhi), kebencian dan menyampah rakyat pada Umno BN makin tinggi dan Umno BN mungkin bungkus pada PRU13.
Jadi, samakah Zambry dengan Gandhi?
Lagipun Wikipedia ada menyebut begini,
However, Gandhi was aware that this level of nonviolence required incredible faith and courage, which he realized not everyone possessed. He therefore advised that everyone need not keep to nonviolence, especially if it were used as a cover for cowardice: .
"Gandhi guarded against attracting to his satyagraha movement those who feared to take up arms or felt themselves incapable of resistance. 'I do believe,' he wrote, 'that where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence.'
Maknanya Gandhi akan memilih melawan secara orang ada teloq dan bukannya bersikap bacul dengan berselindung dengan institusi-institusi lain yang sememangnya parallel dalam konsep separation of powers sebuah negara demokrasi.
Berkenaan Nelson Mandela, Wikipedia kata,
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela is a former President of South Africa, the first to be elected in a fully representative democratic election, who held office from 1994–99. Before his presidency, Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist, and the leader of the African National Congress's armed wing Umkhonto we Sizwe. The South African courts convicted him on charges of sabotage, as well as other crimes committed while he led the movement against apartheid. In accordance with his conviction, Mandela served 27 years in prison, spending many of these years on Robben Island.
Perhatikan betul-betul perkataan
elected, democratic election dan
anti-apartheid. Mana yang Zambry tak faham. Siapa yang dipilih dalam pilihanraya demokrasi di perak?
Menurut Wikipedia,
Apartheid—meaning separateness in Afrikaans (which is cognate to the English apart and -hood)—was a system of legal racial segregation enforced by the National Party government in South Africa between 1948 and 1994.
Fahamkan makna
separateness dan
racial segregation betul-betul. Parti siapa ada nama bangsa di dalamnya ?
Jadi, bersandarkah Zambry pada semangat Nelson Mandela ?
Sekarang anda boleh teruskan sama ada nak angguk, ludah atau gelak.
Betul, ianya karekter dalam drama TV klasik Jepun yang popular dan diminati ramai. Semangat Oshin dalam mendapatkan pengetahuan dan pelajaran disebut sebagai salah satu faktor ke 4 kebangkitan negara Jepun iaitu;
1. Meritocracy
2. Adopt & adapt
3. Public-Private partnership
4. Emphasize on education
Cerita Oshin adalah berdasarkan kisah benar seorang wanita biasa Jepun dizaman Meiji.
Bertanya kepada Wikipedia lagi, katanya,
In 1907, Oshin, at seven years, is sent off by her father to work as a babysitter, in order to support her family. With the physical and verbal abuse by her employer, Oshin insisted on sticking it through for the sake of her family. However, when she is accused of stealing money, she runs away and for days suffers through snow blizzards as she walks back home to be with her mother. But the blizzard is so rough on her, she nearly freezes to death. She's rescued by a man who himself is a fugitive, and stays with him until the snow melts.
Upon her return to her home, Oshin is once again sent back out - this time to Kaga-ya in Sayaka to work as a babysitter. She makes good friends with the daughter, who is the same age as Oshin, and stays at the Kaga-ya until she turns 16. But even after returning home once again, her father wants her to once again go back out and work as a bar maid. Realizing that the bar maid job is a cover for prostitution, Oshin runs off to Tokyo to follow her older sister Haru's dream of becoming a hair stylist.
While as a hairstylist, she met her husband and they were married. While they survived the Great Earthquake of 1923, their house and business was destroyed and they had to return to her in-laws house. As the marriage was not approved by her mother-in-law, Oshin suffered great hardship while living with them. She broke her arm while attempting to escape and even lost her soon-to-be-born baby because of the hard labor she had to endure working in the fields. She finally left her in-laws with her child but without her husband and attempted to rebuild her life. Subsequently, she found out she could no longer be a hair stylist because of her broken arm. She found jobs as the owner of a small bar-restaurant, pastry chef and even a peddler of fresh fish. Her business boomed and with her husband's help, Oshin established a small but bustling raw seafood shop.
The story continues right up to present 1983, and follows Oshin's adult life as she becomes a wife, raises children of her own, and experiences real-life events - including earthquakes and World War II.
Mengikut cerita Wikipedia lagi,
The story of Oshin is based on a biography of a Japanese woman, modeled after the mother of Kazuo Wada, a Japanese businessman. Mr. Wada created Yaohan, a Japanese supermarket chain.Yaohan ? Ingat lagi Yaohan ? Di The Mall tu Yaohan kan?
Walaubagaimanapun Oshin lagilah tiada kena mengena dengan perjuangan menegakkan ‘kebenaran’ Zambry. Saja je nak cerita.
Sorosoro shitsurei-shimasu. Sayonara.